If you return an item in good condition or cancel your order, you will receive a refund.
If you return an item in good condition or cancel your order, you will receive a refund.
You can track your return journey through the return tracking number provided by the carrier. Do you see on the carrier tracking page that your return has been delivered? Good news, this means it has reached the last step in the sorting center with the carrier, and it is now on its way to the adidas warehouse.
Once we receive it, we'll perform a quality check within 4 business days. You'll receive an email once we initiate your refund.
If your return was created as an exception for an older order outside our regular timelines, your refund can take longer than 14 days to get processed.
Credit or debit card
A refund issued to your credit or debit card takes up to 14 days once we’ve processed your return in the warehouse.
adidas e-gift card
Choosing the adidas e-gift card is the fastest way to receive your refund. You’ll receive the gift card via email immediately after we’ve processed your return at the warehouse.
The gift card is valid for 3 years and is immediately ready for use. You can use it for online or in-store purchases – you don’t have to use the entire amount at once. Want to share the e-gift card with a friend? Go for it!
A refund issued to your PayPal account takes up to 3 business days once we’ve processed your return at the warehouse.
Did you pay with Klarna? Klarna handles the refund process. This should take up to 12 business days once we’ve processed your return at the warehouse.
If you didn’t pay anything yet, visit the Klarna Portal. Select your adidas order and indicate what you’ve returned. Klarna will temporarily pause your payment until the return has been processed and will send you a new invoice if you still have an open payment. If you receive a payment reminder while the return is in progress, please contact Klarna directly.
We’ll cover your delivery costs if you return your complete order via the same carrier that delivered the package. Make sure you choose standard delivery. If you select another delivery option, we can only cover the standard delivery costs.
You can cancel an order within 15 minutes of receiving your confirmation email. This won’t cost you anything.
Credit card
The reservation on your credit card will be cancelled automatically.
Once you’ve cancelled your order, we’ll immediately initiate a refund issued to your PayPal account. This takes up to 3 business days.
Did you already pay an instalment with Klarna? You’ll be reimbursed within 12 days.